Pastor Bert Lloyd
(845) 361-4959
Pastor Bert founded Bread of Life Church, along with his wife Lilian, in their living room in May 1993 with nine people. His passion then and now, has always been to preach Christ crucified and His Glorious Resurrection. Born and raised in Altoona, Pa., he received his B.S. in Business Administration from Robert Morris College […]
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Michael Lloyd
Worship Music Leader, Music Director, Sunday School Teacher
As a Pastor’s kid, Michael has basically been in ministry his whole life. He has been serving alongside his parents on the worship team since the age of 13. In 2017, Michael officially joined the Bread of Life staff as the Worship Leader, Music Director, and Sunday School teacher. As a minister, he has a […]
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Lilian Lloyd
Administrative Assistant
(845) 361-4959